What firmware should I use?
If you have purchased the unit from eMotimo on regular production hardware - you should be on the latest Stable release - currently - SA2_RC001_009_SP2
We also will preview our upcoming firmware in the Beta version. This version is basically testing code that will end up in the Stable release when tested.
To update the firmware
- Round up the MicroSD card that came with your SA2.6. It is a small 8 or 16GB card formatted FAT32. Every unit ships with this card to avoid compatibility issue when updating firmware.
Tip - Resist the urge to format this card and throw it in a stack of cards. Keep it with your unit so you always have it ready to go with a correctly formatted card. - Download the firmware update package you want from this page.
- Your download will be a .zip folder that contains the folder structure seen below.
- Unzip the zip file and copy the update folder onto the MicroSD card's root. Make sure you copy the entire update folder on to the top level (root) of the MicroSD card - NOT into another folder. If the update folder is already there, delete the old one first and copy the new update folder on in. Eject it safely from your computer
- Insert the MicroSD card to the SA2.6. Watch orientation! Notch on left, gold fingers as shown. This is Push/Push micro SD card holder so it will seat a few mm out, then push it in lightly to lock it in place.
- Power on the SA2.6 and wait for the flashing process to complete (Note: Major updates take ~4min, Minor updates take ~2min) - the screen will guide you.
- Once the SA2.6 completes the update it will reboot and display the new firmware version on the splash screen
- You are now good to go. Press and release the microSD card to have it protrude from the SA2.6, then remove it. Store this SD card / holder for safekeeping for future firmware updates. This card is preformatted and guaranteed to work with your SA2.6 unlike many high-capacity cards meant for cameras / audio recorders.
Stable | Beta | |
SA2_RC001_009_SP2 | SA2_RC001_009_B6 | |
Workflows: - Streamdeck V1.0.3
Workflows: - Monorail added to sliders
SA2_RC001_009_B6 (12/20/24)
- Note, add this file to the update folder
- Monorail added to Settings --> Slider
- Guided --> Calibrate option added to use sensor for stop and constant calibration. See this article
SA2_RC001_009_SP2 - (8/15/24)
- Looping Live Adjustment Layer
- API V113
- 360 Moves and Inversion
- Looping Smarter Startup
- Wi-fi TCP/API Connection
- Long Slow Interview Monster Moves
- Dragonframe Default Directions
- Streamdeck V1.0.3 (Next Release date 5/15/24)
- Port Configuration Network Adapter **Known issue - when setting up your Network adapter select baudrate of 230400 then autoconfigure. This will enable easy power restarts of the Conductor and reconnections to the network.
SA2_RC001_009_B3 (8/15/24)
- Skaarhoj V1.0.2-pre3
- Save Load Moves
- Inertia Wheels Support
- Rec/Playback screens for freeform
SA2_RC001_008_SP1 (3/8/24) -
- Fixed Bright Run Off Setting
- Fixed Multipass Camera Triggering for Sony
- Added ability to E-Stop the Return to Start by pressing Square on Gaming Remote
- Improved the UI of Network Adapter Configuration
- Fixed Remote Power off when Restarting or Factory Resetting Unit
- General UI Fixes for Labels and Headings
- Fixed Tilta Motors Skipping at the Start of a Interview Monster Shot
- Improved UI for Selecting the Port Settings
- Interview Monster Default Speed lowered to 1 inch/second
- API V112 bug fixes
- Fixed RS Multikeyframe Planning
- Fixed Shark Slider Selection Motor Profile Settings
- Added ability to set Date and Time in the Settings Menu (Double Press X)
- Smoother 8-Way Motor Control for M1/M2
- Added support of RS Focus to Dragonframe RT Jogging
SA2_RC001_008_B1 (3/8/24) -
- SA2_RC001_008_SP1 Updates
- Wi-Fi Configuration Menu Updates
- Updates to Save/Load Moves to include RS Motors
- FrSky Live Control (LC) and Pro workflow improvements
- Bug fixes for the Record/Playback workflow to prevent unit locking up and needing a restart
- Added Screensaver to dim and turn off when no user input after set time
- OSC and TCP over Wi-Fi bug fixes
SA2_RC001_008_E1 (3/8/24) -
- SA2_RC001_008_SP1 and SA2_RC001_008_B1 Updates
- Improvements to Input and Output mapping allows for more flexibility of Gaming Remote Motor Mapping
SA2_RC001_007_B4 (2/16/24) -
- Multikeyframe for Programmed Moves Fix
- Fix of Record/Playback Experimental screens
- Wifi version check on firmware updates fix
- Wifi workflows for beta testing: OSC, TCP, WebApp
- API V112 documentation found in this article: eMotimo API
- SBUS Workflow using FR Sky and IO Port Receiver
- Skaarhoj BluePill updates for latest stable release: V1.0.1
- Streamdeck updates for latest stable release: V1.0.1
- Dragonframe general bug fixes
- General Bug Fixes
SA2_RC001_007 (1/16/24) -
- Reposted 1/31/24 to fix Wifi Package
- Dragonframe updates to better track the Playhead
- Updated factory default values
- Fixed bug that caused M3/M4 motors to skip when running moves at 125% speed
- Dragonframe Telemetry Screen updated
- User Interface increased threshold for input holds
Known Issue:
- The Wifi version will show as invalid on first update. Power cycle the unit and the version check will update. This issue will be resolved in the next release
- Multikeyframe is broken for programmed moves fix for SA2_RC001_007_B3 and above
- Experimental Record/Playback is not functional needs to be moved to Beta build
SA2_RC001_006_B3 (12/1/23) -
- Dragonframe bug fixes all basic modes working
- Dragonframe USB connection and IP connection working
- Factory Reset button fixed
- Settings Screen UI/UX improvements
- Looping Mode bug fixes
SA2_RC001_006_B2 (11/22/23) -
- Fixes Bug causing Skips in M1/M2 motor
- Updated Settings Menu with complete firmware version information for support
- Warns user if firmware incompatibility exists
- Default variables menu added for user customization
- Wifi Module Configuration Menu
- Wifi Basic Webpage
SA2_RC001_005_SP1 (11/1/23) -
- Fixed Bugs configuring the Network Adapter
SA2_RC001_006_B1 (10/26/23) -
- Dragonframe Beta Support
- Unreal Engine Beta Support
- Skaarhoj Bluepill Beta Support
- Streamdeck Beta Support
- Fixed a few API V0.111 Bugs (Documentation Coming Soon)
SA2_RC001_005 (10/17/23) -
- Ping-Pong Mode Bug Fix for Tilta Motors
- Ping-Pong Ramp Up Bug Fix
- GoToFrames Bug Fix for Tilta and RS3 Timing
- Remote Module Updated for Disconnection Bug Fix
- Demo Mode Splash Screen Added
- Splash Screen Updated Logo
SA2_RC001_005_EXP (9/20/23) -
- Contains all Experimental Integrations; Save/Load Moves, Dragonframe, Skaarhoj, Stream Deck, Unreal Engine, Ronin 2, Custom Cue Lights, Auto Tracking (These are still under development and are not supported)
SA2_RC001_005_BETA (9/20/23) -
- Updates to the Remote Connection Fixes Partial Disconnection Issue
SA2_RC001_004 (9/12/23) - Stable
- Fixed bugs with MultiKeyframe Start and Stop of the Slider
- Implemented reversals and ability to turn off the Tilta and RS Channels in the Settings Menu
SA2_RC001_003 (8/31/23) -
- Removed all Experimental Integrations; Save/Load Moves, Dragonframe, Skaarhoj, Stream Deck, Unreal Engine, Ronin 2, Custom Cue Lights, Auto Tracking (These are still under development and are not supported)
- Fixed bugs that were leaving Network Adapter in Serial Mode
- UI/UX Updates for more consistent navigation
- Limits for all motor axis are now settable through Channel Settings Menu
- Multipass workflow experience improved
- Fixed Initial Connection of Remote Jogging Motors Bug
- Fixed Reversed Timelapse Bug
- Backlash Added to RS Axis on Return to Start
- Canceling a Go To Frame Stops RS Motors
- Fixed Timelapse Runtime Display Bug
SA2_RC000_016 (8/25/23) -
- More UE Updates
- Limits Setup Workflow in Channel Settings Menu
- API Updates for Skaarhoj, StreamDeck
- Improved trajectory matching between slider and RS gimbals.
- Improved end conditions for 2 point moves
- Mutipoint end conditions improved for multi-point
- Looping Mode name changed to Multipass
- "Dwell" changed to "Hold"
- UX Updates for consistency in navigation controls
SA2_RC000_015 (8/15/2023) - Open Issues listed below.
- Improved UE Workflow with RS Motors
- Move Reversal Bugs were Fixed
- Fixed Various API Bugs
- Channel Settings Menu Expanded
- Fixed Bug with PopUp GoToFrames during Programmed Shots
- Main Menu Style Update
- Photo Tools Option Removed
- Port Re-Configuration Bugs Fixed
- Looping Mode added to Programmed Shots
Open Issue - 8Way Navigation issue - left right/up/down reversed - this is a showstopper for production work without the remote and Interview Monster.
SA2_RC000_014 (7/21/2023) -
- Improved Ramp Up of the RS Focus motor
- Fixed Skipping of the RS Focus motor in the MultiKeyframe workflow
- Improved Ramp Down of the RS Gimbals in the MultiKeyframe workflow
- Multi-Revolution Moves on the RS Gimbals
- Minimum Move time Calculations (These are basic and do not account for moves with long ramp up and ramp down phases)
- Improved MultiKeyframe Setup Screens for Move Demo
- Increased Accuracy/Repeatability of Ronin 2 Motion Planning
- Fixed Return to Start for moves with larger than 180 degrees of Pan
SA2_RC000_013 (6/30/2023) -
- Remove Easy Menu to get simple access to Interview Monster Mode on normal screens. This will be a top-level menu item called Guided.
- Updates to backend API for Admin tools
- Update Telemetry-Output Options for Free-D V2
- Update Default Pan of RS gimbal from PS4 joystick to be correct
- Update RSPan/RSTilt Channel mapping value to store on power off
- Added a Offset for RS motion planning that can help increase RS timing accuracy with different camera payloads
- Changed the style of the Main Menu Display
- Updated the Settings Menu
SA2_RC000_012 (6/19/2023) -
- Cue Lights workflow added (R2 Trigger on single pass program shot will add a Cue for next replay - Only works in forward direction don't reverse the move)
- Added smoothing for 8-Way control of Slide and TurnTable
- Fixed Bug with GoToFrames losing reference point every time you enter the Live Motion screen
- Fixed Bug Press and Hold UX now working
- Fixed Bug with motors not using full profile velocity range when using the PS4 inputs
SA2_RC000_008 (5/31/2023) -
- Initial Beta Release
- Interview Monster Workflow introduced
- Product Monster Workflow introduced
- DJI Gimbal Integration for RS2/RS3 Pro
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