Brief Overview
The module so far has live control for Pan/Tilt/Slide/TurnTable/Focus/Iris/Zoom as well as preset setting and recalling. In the Button Presets section of companion you can quickly create a page similar to the one below with button placements where you want them by dragging and dropping the various preset buttons that have been included in the module already.
If the speed of an motor is too slow/fast you can easily adjust the speed by selecting the button and then editing the speed setting to a different option (Slow/Medium/Fast/Very Fast).
Module Development and Bug Tracking
Now that this is actually in a release development should get easier and as more and more people use it. There is the flexibility for users to add to the development efforts themselves since the Code for the module is public and it utilizes the eMotimo API which is also public. So if you are interested in that feel free to take a look into the Module and The eMotimo ST4 API.
If you find any bugs/issues there is now a tracker in companion under the connections tab that will bring you to the module page where you can open an issue that anyone working on the module can address and make a fix for. This is also a good place to make feature requests if there is something that is not able to be accomplished using the eMotimo API.
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