Open Sounds Control is a protocol that is becoming more and more popular for controlling motors. This protocol allows us to setup Preset, Limits, and Loops. It also allows users to have Live Control of the SA2.6 or to navigate through the menu system. This is a UDP network solution which allows for longer range control in a networked environment than the standard gaming remote solution. It can also be used in conjunction with the gaming remote to give yourself an Mobile, Tablet or Computer surface for setting up and recalling Assets while using your Gaming remote as the Live control and menu navigation solution.
To enable the OSC mode for the SA2.6 you will need to enable and configure the Wi-Fi module that is included with your SA2.6.
- Update your SA2.6 to firmware version: SA2_RC001_007_B4 or newer (This is only available in Beta Builds Currently)
- Once the SA2.6 is on a valid firmware start up your unit
- Navigate to the Settings Menu and o find the Wi-FiConfig on page 4
- Open the Wi-Fi Config Menu
- Toggle on the Power of the Wi-Fi Module
- Set the Mode to OSC
- Set a password if desired or use the default (eMotAdmin)
- Continue to scroll down to the end of the Wi-Fi Configuration and select Configure Wi-Fi
- Wait about 15-30 seconds
- On your Mobile device, Tablet or Computer that you are using as the OSC Transmitter open the Wi-Fi settings
- Look through the available networks for the SA2.6 SSID in the format 'SA2_#####', the #'s correlates to the serial number of the SA2.6
- Once you have connected to the access point for your SA2.6 you can open your OSC transmitting software and setup your UDP connection
- We used TouchOSC in our development, Note that some softwares have a TCP option for OSC. This will not work the standard for this protocol is to use UDP which is what is supported currently
- Set the Connection Protocol to UDP
- Set the Host IP to
- Set the Send Port to 3333
- Set the Recieve Port to 3344
- Set the Zeroconf to Default
- With the connection settings setup you can now start the connection to the SA2.6
- Using the command set described below you can now create your own OSC configuration to control your SA2.6
- For a starting point you can also use this default configuration: SA2.6 TouchOSC Configuration (Note this is not a comprehensive configuration but shows some of the basics)
Action | Message | API Message |
Navigate Up | /eMotimo/Nav/Up | G600 C1 |
Navigate Down | /eMotimo/Nav/Down | G600 C3 |
Navigate Left | /eMotimo/Nav/Left | G600 C4 |
Navigate Right | /eMotimo/Nav/Right | G600 C2 |
Navigate Select | /eMotimo/Nav/Select | G600 C0 |
Navigate Back | /eMotimo/Nav/Back | G600 C5 |
Set Run | /eMotimo/Preset/SetRun/[ID 0-29] <Run Time 10-600> | G21 P[ID] T<RunT> N1 |
Set Ramp | /eMotimo/Preset/SetRamp/[ID 0-29] <Ramp Time 1-290> | G21 P[ID] A<RampT> N1 |
Set | /eMotimo/Preset/Set <ID 0-29> | G21 P<ID> |
Recall | /eMotimo/Preset/Recall <ID 0-29> | G20 P<ID> |
Set Run | /eMotimo/Loop/SetRun/[ID 0-7] <Run Time 10-600> | G25 L[ID] T<RunT> R N1 |
Set Ramp | /eMotimo/Loop/SetRamp/[ID 0-7] <Ramp Time 1-290> | G25 L[ID] T R<RampT> N1 |
A Point | /eMotimo/Loop/APoint/[ID 0-7] <ID 0-29> | G25 L[ID] A<ID> B |
B Point | /eMotimo/Loop/BPoint/[ID 0-7] <ID 0-29> | G25 L[ID] A B<ID> |
Stop | /eMotimo/Loop/Stop | G24 |
Recall | /eMotimo/Loop/Recall <ID 0-7> | G24 L<ID> |
Jog Positive | /eMotimo/Motor/Jog/[Motor ID 0-9] <Speed -500-500> | G301 M[ID] V<Speed> |
Set A Limit | /eMotimo/Motor/LimitA/[Motor ID 0-9] | G213 M[ID] |
Set B Limit | /eMotimo/Motor/LimitB/[Motor ID 0-9] | G214 M[ID] |
Clear Limits | /eMotimo/Motor/ClearLimits/[Motor ID 0-9] | G219 M[ID] |
Halt | /eMotimo/EStop | G911 |
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