Note: Unreal Engine does not save your LiveLink source when you close your project. Each time you open your project you will need to Open the LiveLink window and add the LiveLinkFreeD source to reconnect your camera. This is Steps 7-10 most likely.
New Project Setup
- Once you have downloaded the Unreal Engine 5.2.1 open the Epic Games Launcher
- In the top right launch the Unreal Engine
- Create a project
- Once the project opens select the Edit Menu and select Plugins
- Inside the Plugins menu search for ‘Live Link’ and enable the plugins seen below: (Some of these may already be enabled)
- Once these plugins are enabled save and relaunch your project
- Once you have relaunched your project select the Window Menu -> Virtual Production -> Live Link
- In the Live Link Menu select source and add the IP address for the machine running Unreal Engine and the same Remote Port Number configured on the Network Adapter. (54322 if you have used our recommendations)
- Select Add
- Now when you drive the ST4 you should see camera 255 show up this means the ST4 is sending telemetry to Unreal Engine
- Now you need to link that telemetry to a camera actor. In the Main project tab select the Item you are attaching the camera actor too. In our example I chose the Player Start
- Add your Cine Camera
- Add a Live Link controller to your Cine Camera
- Once you have added the Live Link controller and given it a name (optional) select the live link controller object in the details pane and in the settings click the drop down box for Subject Representation and choose the Camera 255 option to link the ST4 data to the Camera Actor
- Now when you drive the ST4 around you should see the cine camera in your scene drive around the virtual scene as well
- You are now ready to start playing with Virtual Production
If after completing step 9 and driving your eMotimo motors you are not seeing a camera object appear then the link between the eMotimo and the Unreal Engine is not establishing correctly. The following steps may help you figure out what is going wrong.
Double Check Setup
- eMotimo IO Port should be set to one of the following: Unreal (X-Slide), Unreal (Y-Slide), Unreal (TTable)
- Network Adapter is configures as UDP Client, Remote Server Address is set to the machine running Unreal Engine and Remote Port is set to an available port on your network
- The following LiveLink Plugins are enabled in your Unreal Engine Project
- LiveLink
- LiveLink Curve Debug UI
- LiveLink Over nDisplay
- LiveLinkCamera
- LiveLinkFreed
- LiveLinkFreeD Source is configured to IP address of machine running Unreal Engine and the same Port that the Network Adapter is trying to send telemetry to
Confirm Network Adapter is Receiving Data from eMotimo Device
- Open the network adapter web interface in your web browser
- Login to your network adapter
- Select the Current Status Tab (This is the Home Page)
- See if your computer is listed as a Remote IP
- Check that the TX data count is increasing when driving the motors around (This should increase by 1000s of bytes each time the page refreshes if you are actively driving motors around)
Open UDP Server in another Application (YAT)
- Download and open a terminal program that allows you to setup and monitor a UDP Server (We recommend YAT)
- Drive the eMotimo motors to see if you receive data
- If you are able to see data being received on your machine here then telemetry is making it to your machine. If not you may have a firewall port forwarding issue that needs to be resolved.
Set the LiveLinkFreeD Source to monitor all Port Data
- This might not be an ideal setup if you have a lot of activity on your network but might help highlight any issues in your configuration
- Add the LiveLink source but set the IP Address as:
1 comment
Hey just a heads up, in regards to the note at the top about adding the livelink source each time, this is because you have to save the live link connection as a preset and then add that preset as the default live link connection. Of you want to use this for virtual production you need that so when uou launch the ndisplay via switchboard it will automatically connect.
One thing to note, you can only connect live link to a single unreal instance. So be sure to close the project before launching the ndisplay
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