Setting Up BluePill/Reactor
This setup is in Beta and changing frequently the basic general steps are outlined below but a more detailed guide will be added in the future when this development is stable
- Plug in the BluePill or Panel with BPI (BluePill Internal)
- Take the IP Address on the BluePill Screen and open a browser on your network and type in the IP Address to the search bar
- Login to the Reactor Web Interface
- The default login is in Username: 'admin' Password: 'skaarhoj'
- Open the Packages Tab
- Under Available Packages find and install core-emotimo
- If it does not appear in the list make sure the show pre-release button on the top right of the screen is active and research the list
- Once the core has been installed make sure the latest pre-release version (v0.0.1-pre11 as of 10/17/23) is installed
- If the core status for core-emotimo does not say running select the status and start the core
- Go back to the Home Tab
- If you do not already have a Panel in your configuration add your Panel on the left side of the screen
- On the right hand side Device column select Add Device
- In the pop-up window select add device manually
- Search the list for core-emotimo
- Add a ST4 device
- Use the 'ST4 Slider' regardless of if you have a ST4 or ST4.3 for now
- Do not use the VISCA module this is outdated and no longer supported
- Enter the IP Address (unique to your network) and Port (5000 unless you went off-script) of the Network Adapter that you configured in the previous steps into the IP Address field for the device you added. This field is highlighted in the image below:
- On your panel on the left side of the screen select the Add button next to the Camera Selector and select the device you just added
- You should now see buttons mapped on your panel to control the ST4 and the ST4 under the device column of reactor should show connected. If not power cycle the Network Adapter and the ST4 and the BluePill to let all the connections re-establish and you should be connected and controlling the ST4 from your Skaarhoj Panel with BluePill
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